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Kijana BestAsst. Program Director- Thomas Edison Charter Academy

Kijana Best was born and raised in San Francisco, California. She received her Associate’s in Social and Behavioral Sciences from City College of San Francisco and a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology from Western New Mexico State University. After moving back home, Kijana knew that she wanted to make a difference in the lives of inner-city youth. She started out as a fitness coach teaching children the importance of eating healthy and staying fit. Soon after, Kijana joined Mission Graduates as an after school teacher working with middle school students at Everett. She introduced students to the importance of taking care of our bodies by taking them on hikes around the city, introducing nutrition and discussing different ways we can maintain balance in our everyday lives.

Kijana’s passions lie in teaching students the importance of self-love and healthy coping strategies for those unpredictable moments when life tends to feel overwhelming. As Assistant Director at TECA, I look forward to building those connections with students and families while also introducing them to the new and exciting ways to keep your body moving.

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