Mission Graduates joins forces with 26 other Mission District nonprofits to form a cradle to career network with the Mission Promise Neighborhood Initiative.


Mission Graduates’ Extended Day Program expands to partner with students and families at Bryant Elementary School.


St. John’s ETC becomes Mission Graduates, with a renewed focus on preparing students from the Mission District for college futures. With this new mission, Mission Graduates created both [...]


Talking Circles was launched to give girls in SJETC programs a space to discuss issues they are facing and come up with positive solutions together. The program was expanded to include a Boys [...]


Mission Graduates begins its first and longest-standing partnership with Marshall Elementary School, becoming the on-site academic support.

1995 – 2004

Urban Institute encompassed many of our youth programming – and the issues directly affecting our students. Safe Streets, urban beautification, police partnerships, and a large-scale [...]

1987 – 1990

Early Adolescent Programs begin, beginning with Mission Succeed, a dropout prevention program focused on students identified as at-risk from Marshall Elementary beginning in 5th grade and [...]

1979 – 1986

Tutoring Center continues to support students and parents in the neighborhood with volunteer academic support, including ESL for parents.

1974 – 1978

SJETC location burns down twice during these years, but programming continues. Through a federal grant, Got Me A Story To Tell, a multicultural resource book based on the stories of 5 of our [...]

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