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 In ASAP at Mission High School

Sally U, MHS class of 2015, is in her 3rd year at UC San Diego. She is majoring in Cognitive Science with a specialization in Human Computer Interaction and she is minoring in Design.

This quarter, Sally is taking a class called “Cyborgs and the Future,” where they are working on a project to build a part that could be integrated into their everyday lives. She is designing contact lenses that not only correct vision, but also enhance vision, report the user’s health status and have a “head’s up” display that gives on-the-go directions.

Sally never expected that she would become involved in dance, but she joined the KASA (Korean American Student Association) Dance Off during her freshman year and it sparked a love of dance. Now she’s on an all-womxn team called 4N01 and she is helping direct, in addition to performing.

In high school, Sally played basketball all 4 years, volleyball for 3 years, and joined flag football for 1 year. She went to multiple basketball and volleyball camps and spent a month at Barnard College in NYC taking 2 classes, all through ASAP.

We are very proud of Sally’s new passions and accomplishments in college, and we are especially grateful for her willingness to give back to ASAP by serving as a peer mentor through our Alumni Mentoring Program (AMP). Keep being awesome, Sally!

NoteASAP at Mission High School (formerly Athletics Scholars Advancement Program) merged with Mission Graduates in July 2020. This article has been transferred to Mission Graduates’ website for archival purposes and reflects the work, vision, and stories of ASAP staff and students at the time of publication.

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