Our 2020 Holiday Gift Drive

Last week, students from the SOMA Community Hub, Everett Middle School, and John O’ Connell High School received 86 holiday gifts (and a surprise visit from a masked Santa Claus)!

In [...]

Parents, we appreciate you!

Parents and guardians are unquestionably a child’s strongest allies on the path to college. They are champions, advocates, and also teachers.

In acknowledgment of this full-time, [...]

We Stand in Solidarity

Dear ASAP Community,

We write to you in this incredibly trying time to address national events that have been weighing heavily on all of us. We want to open by stating [...]

Committed to change.

Mission Graduates stands in solidarity with our Black allies to firmly renounce all forms of systemic violence and discrimination. Every day, as an education organization, we confront the [...]