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MGBlog2Hello my name is Denise Castro; I am a part of Cohort 3 at College Connect. I would like to share about my study abroad experience to encourage College Connect students and other students to study abroad! I am in my fourth year and I attend UC Merced. For this fall semester I am currently studying abroad in Paris! The UC Paris program I am enrolled in while studying abroad also gives us an 11day break and I will be going to go to Barcelona, Rome and Pisa in Italy.

The first time I learned about studying abroad I was in high school and my cousin was in college and I remember her remarkable narratives about college and studying abroad. Her study abroad stories captivated me I remember thinking: Wow in college you can study abroad! I imagined the possibility of studying abroad.MGBlog1

What about financial aid?  Financial aid packages rolls over; if you are getting financial aid you will continue to while you are abroad. So even if I am low income I can study abroad? Yes! Colleges encourage and want their students to study abroad and make it affordable. I decided right there I want to study abroad in college.

Growing up in a low income family I would have by no means envision that I could have the opportunity to study abroad in Paris somewhere I would have merely dream of going to. And today I am blessed to say I am here. I feel extremely grateful for having the opportunity to study abroad! And I encourage others to study abroad it will be an unforgettable experience you will always cherish!

MGBlog3A huge motivator for me to attend college and study abroad was to not only encourage my little brother Hector who is in middle school now that he can attend college and graduate from college but that he can also study abroad in college and explore the world. I would like to be the same positive role model that my cousin was to me to my little brother. To help him know that with hard work and dedication anything is possible and that all of his hopes and dreams can come true!

I would like to thank College Connect for all their help and support throughout my college and with my study abroad experience because through them my family, and mentors Jose and Julia I was able to study. Thank you!

If you have any questions about studying abroad feel free to contact me and I would be happy to answer your questions.

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