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 In College Connect

Receiving college admission letters is a scary, but exciting moment. The individual is unsure whether the college or university will accept or deny all of their hard work completed over the past four years. A College Connect senior, Anabell Gimena, described her thoughts as she received admission letters which created a knot of excitement in her stomach.


“When I read that I was accepted into a college, I felt as if I was wanted and that I had the potential to be more because they believed in my capabilities. I was really excited- it seemed as if with each decision, they were giving me the keys to different doors. Some schools gave me the key, some didn’t. But nevertheless, I was finally seeing the opportunities that lay ahead of me.”

As of May 1st, all of the College Connect seniors made their decisions and Anabell will be attending the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Thank you for your time Anabell. You will do great things at UCSC, keep up the good work!

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