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 In Parent Partner Program

k2cwebFamilies with high school seniors understand the importance of saving for college tuition. But for families with kindergartners in the the San Francisco Unified School District, saving for college is beginning now thanks to Kindergarten To College.

Since 2012, every child entering kindergarten in the City’s public schools is automatically given a College Savings Account (CSA) containing a $50 deposit from the City and County of San Francisco. A partnership between San Francisco Office of Financial Empowerment and CitiBank, the Parent Partner Program has been tasked with ensuring families understand this important step they can take towards ensuring a college future for their student.

This month, our parent leaders have been heading to their local branch with a group of parents, supporting for many their first family contribution to their student’s saving account. Making routine of depositing even a small amount each month we hope will lead to college expectations for our families and encourage our students to work towards college futures.








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