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 In Extended Day Programs, Mission Community Beacon, News

Since its inception in 1994, Mission Graduates has played an important role in the San Francisco Beacon Initiative.

Beginning as a way to ensure more students and families received an array of educational and social services in their own communities, the SFBI grew to form hubs at eight school sites in San Francisco, including Everett Middle School.  Over our nearly 20 year partnership with Everett, the Mission Community Beacon has grown to serve a model in school-day alignment and leadership development for Mission District youth.

This year, Mission Graduates is thrilled to partner with SFBI to open three new Beacons in the Mission – at Bryant Elementary, Leonard R. Flynn Elementary, and Sanchez Elementary.  Building on our extensive afterschool programming, the Beacons will create a stronger network of academic, emotional, and social services for the students and families we serve.

As we kick-off the new school year, we are inspired to create new lunch hour clubs, further integrate afterschool teachers into daytime classrooms, and ensure all families feel connected to their student’s educational path.

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