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Extended Day Programs

Mission Graduates’ Extended Day Programs provides award-winning after school academic enrichment programs for over 2,500 students year-round.

Our Extended Day Programs provide after school programming to students and families at: Alvarado Elementary School, Cleveland Elementary School, Marshall Elementary School, and Thomas Edison Charter Academy.

Looking for one of our Beacon sites? Head over to our Beacon schools page for more information.

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Important Contacts

Alvarado Elementary School
Yanira Perez

Cleveland Elementary School
Elizabeth Jeronimo
Brenda Escobar

Marshall Elementary School
Beverly Escobar-Sudario
Daisy Espinoza

Thomas Edison Charter Academy
Priscilla Trejo-Martinez
Wiam Boumaazi

“Mission Graduates is the perfect bridge between daytime learning and extended learning. Their staff and programming centers around engaging students in enrichment activities as well as supporting students to deepen their knowledge.”

Christina Velasco, Former Principal, Bryant Elementary School

Program Highlights

The Extended Day Programs combine arts, electives, recreation, and academics to create a comprehensive and dynamic learning experience for our students.

Literacy and Math Support

All lesson plans incorporate the elements of literacy development: speaking, listening, reading, and writing infused throughout the program. Using the Common Core Standards, all staff implement games and activities to reinforce, develop, and increase students’ mathematical understanding and skills.

Project-Based Learning

In our programs, we design and deliver project-based learning and sequenced intentional learning activities to reinforce and supplement the learning happening during the school day. All lessons are part of a unit, and a culminating class, program, or family event marks the end of a unit of study and showcases youth’s learning.

Engaging Enrichment Activities

In addition to staff developing enrichments designed to peak students interest and develop creativity, Mission Graduates partners with organizations dedicated to those ends, including San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco Youth Theater, Acrosports, Today’s Future Sounds, The Marsh Theatre, Abada Capoeira, and Playwell Teknologies (LEGO Robotics).

College Readiness

Our programs from kindergarten through senior year ensure that we are developing college-going expectations and building a college-going culture in the school communities we partner with. We build college aspirations through events and activities that inspire and prepare our students for all post-secondary college paths.


Get Involved

Interested in joining Mission Graduates for a year of fun and learning?

Volunteer in the classroom and help our students develop a love of learning.

Ensure our students have the tools they need to succeed.

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