Michael Elias

Michael Elias was born and raised in the Bay Area to Mexican American parents. From a young age, Michael had a host of role models and mentors who encouraged him along his educational path. [...]

Munira Kheraj

Munira Kheraj, born and raised in San Jose, CA started off her career path in public health and realized that a lot of public health concerns can be addressed through education in schools. Her [...]

Wilson Jimenez

Wilson was born in Guatemala and immigrated to San Francisco at the age of 11, and began his education in the US at Everett Middle School, where he now plays a leadership role. Wilson received [...]

Christina Lopez-Ruiz

Christina, born and raised in San Francisco, received her B.A. in Ethnic Studies and Media & Cultural Studies in 2013 from UC Riverside. Although she enjoyed working in the nearby [...]